My Contax T has quickly become my favorite “pocket camera”. So much so, that when my original Contax started to…

360 degree panoramas
A few years ago, I had the idea to use my Holga WPC (wide pinhole camera), which shoots 6×12 images…

A scientific analysis of the latitude of “new” Ektachrome cross processed in C41
After years of making and breaking promises, Kodak has finally reintroduced Ektachrome 100 reversal film, to the delight of film…

Bleach, bleach, and more bleach!!
I have been recovering the now-discontinued Fuji FP100C negatives for as long as I’ve been shooting it (admittedly, only about…

Pushing and cross-processing E6 film
In my previous post, I described pushing C41 color negative film (specifically Kodak Gold 400). I’ve always loved cross-processing E6…

Pushing C41
I’ve been pushing black & white film (specifically Tri-X 400) with great success for a while now. I usually shoot…

New camera day! Ciroflex Model D
Say hi to my latest aquisition, a Ciroflex Model D twin lens reflex (TLR) that takes 120 film. It’s only…

C41 development: to rinse after stabilization or not? Perhaps not.
Ever since starting to home-develop C41, I’ve been following this protocol: CD: 3.5 min Blix: 6min Wash: >5min Stab: 1min…

On the subject of consent
As a professional musician, I am involved as a subject in a lot of music videos. I was part of…

Minolta Hi-Matic 7 shutter repair
I recently bought a non-working Hi-Matic 7 off of ebay for a song, figuring a couple of bucks is worth…